Cancellations and Returns


We try our best to offer you a hassle-free returns experience.

      • 7 days of delivery time for your returns.
      • If or by any chance if you break our seal/tag return will be denied at any cost.  
      • No charges for returns including replacements and pickups.
      • The entire amount paid by you including shipping and gift wrapping charges are transferred to your account when you need a refund.
      • You're a t-base-ian. In most cases, we intend to replace your product at your request.
      • Just in case we are not able to do that, we ensure that the replacement is sent as soon as we receive the item.
      • In the rare scenario where a pickup cannot be done in certain areas, you can ship the product through any other courier. You will be reimbursed the shipping charges against the original receipt.
      • We want your satisfaction. In case a Replacement is not available, we shall refund the amount for the same.


There are certain scenarios where it is difficult for us to support returns.

        • Return request should be within 7 days of delivery.
        • Nothing should be missing at the time of return! Not even our price tags, labels, original packing, freebies and accessories.
        • Defective/damaged products are neither liked by you or us. Return the product as delivered.

Return to Origin (RTO) Policy

Delivery Attempts  

A maximum of three delivery attempts will be made to ensure the order reaches the customer.

If all three attempts are unsuccessful, the parcel will be marked as RTO (Return to Origin) and returned to our warehouse.

Non-Delivery Report (NDR) 

Once the parcel is received at our warehouse, we will initiate a Non-Delivery Report (NDR) process.

The customer will be notified, and the following options will be provided: Reshipping. Customers can request the product to be re-shipped by providing an alternative contact number and/or a correct shipping address.

Refund: Customers can opt for a refund if reshipping is not preferred.

Customer Responsibility
  • Customers are required to respond promptly within 3 working days during the NDR process to avoid delays.
  • Failure to respond within a stipulated time may result in automatic closure of the case, and further requests may not be entertained.
  • Please note that refunds for RTO orders will only be processed if the request is made through the customer’s registered mobile number. This ensures authenticity and prevents errors.


Refund is divided into two series.

> NDR (Non-Delivery Report) :: When orders are not received by the customer.

  • Ones you have denied the delivery please request for refund.
  • Failing to request a refund beyond 3 to 4 days of trying to reach you three consecutive times or you denying the parcel.
  • The payment will be locked. Your order will be kept in purgatory and provided to you whenever you want it without the ability to return. 

> CR (Customer Return) :: When customer gets the product but choses to return.

  • Ones a customer returns the product due to item not as advertised/wrong product/wrong size/wrong color/does not like the product
  • You can raise a return request within 7 days to process the same.
  • It is as simple as that.  


    • Find the contact us page 
    • Fill the form with your concern
    • Write to us on
    • Whatsapp us on +91 98800 91059


    Just in case you change your mind.

    You can cancel your order online before the shipment. Your entire order amount will be refunded. In case the item you have ordered has been shipped but not delivered, you may still cancel the order online. Your refund will be processed once we receive the originally ordered item back from the courier. Keep in mind that an order cannot be cancelled once the item has been delivered.

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